This year, make an impression that lasts.


How does a hot air balloon fly? What does the pilot need to do? Balloon Talk teaches your students about the exciting adventure of piloting this unique aircraft by bringing a real hot air balloon to your school! Don’t miss this chance to inspire your students, and add to your STEM/STEAM program!

Contact us about fundraising opportunities!



The Presentation

This presentation, illustrated with
photos, teaches about how balloons work and what they do.


The Balloon

Imagine students’ excitement
as they enter a massive, beautiful
hot air balloon!


Basket & Burner

The excitement generated by the powerful burner system is unparalleled!

What Teachers Are Saying

First Avenue was the recipient of a Victoria Foundation Grant geared toward S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. related experiential learning. Pilots Bob Mueller and Bruce Byberg introduced students from grades Pre-K to 8 to various aspects of ballooning through three station rotations. The history of ballooning was featured on the big screen in the auditorium, a “cold-air” balloon was stationed in the gymnasium where 300 students were able to sit inside for a Q&A session with a pilot, while the last station, located in the main playground, featured an actual hot air balloon basket ready to be fired up by Principal Branco and Ms. Litterio!
— Victoria Litterio, First Avenue School